Twitter has just two alternatives, regardless of whether you wish to make your record open or private. When you make your Twitter account, the record is now set out in the open as a matter of course, however you can change over your Twitter account in private to verify your tweets from unapproved adherents. They will possibly observe your tweets when you acknowledge their demand. Twitter will verify all of you tweets when you transform it into private.
Here are some of the steps to make your Twitter account private:
While making your Twitter or tweets private try to appreciate what is required when you change to a private record:
It is on the top side of the page. Go down to the “Settings” button and then press.
Go down to the privacy column; press the “protect my Tweets” column to make your account private.
Moving forward, the tweets you posted will be protected, and your current twitter followers can see your posts.
Uncheck the "Secure my Tweets" for making your tweets open once more.
John Smith is a Cyber Security Expert and has been working in the Cyber Security industry since 2010. As a technical expert, John has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites like,,,